Discussion 6 :

Setelah mempelajari Topik Sesi pertama yang berjudul ‘Laissez-Faire’ dan juga menonton video dengan topik yang sama, jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:

1. What does “Laissez-Faire” mean? 

2. How is “Laissez-Faire” still relevant today? What are the weaknesses of “Laissez-Faire”?

3. Do you think government’s supervision in economic activities should be significant? 

Jawablah dengan kata kata anda sendiri untuk mendapatkan nilai lebih baik. Sumber jawaban online hendaknya anda jadikan pegangan untuk membantu menuangkan pikiran anda. Dengan kata lain hindarilah copy paste.


My Opinion :

1. What does “Laissez-Faire” mean? 

Laissez-faire is an economic theory that has developed since the 18th century. Those who adhere to this theory believe that the government does not need to interfere in people's business activities. Alias, considers that the economy must run according to what it is.

The word laissez-faire itself comes from French which can be interpreted as "leave it as is". The theory assumes that the smaller the government intervention in economic activities, the more qualified the community's business activities will be. So, therefore, this laissez-faire principle is often considered the main root of the economic theory of free capitalism.

Those who believe in this theory consider that competition between people in the business field is natural. Thus, an effective regulation to organize community economic activities should be no regulations at all. In fact, according to them, government intervention will actually make business activities even more complicated.


2. How is “Laissez-Faire” still relevant today? What are the weaknesses of “Laissez-Faire”?

Laissez-Faire Will Never Be Relevant. Until now, it seems that there has never been any country in the world that has let go of its economy 100% and let the invisible hand work (there is no pure government intervention in the economy)

Disadvantages of Laissez-faire: Increasing income inequality and The common or common interest is neglected.


3. Do you think government’s supervision in economic activities should be significant? 

Considering the importance of economic development to improve people's welfare, it is important to monitor economic development in order to safeguard the success of the national economy and to guard its integration with regional economic development as the main prerequisite.